package org.dojo.moxie; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; /** @author Brad Neuberg, */ public class Document{ protected Integer id = null; protected Integer origId = null; protected String fileName = null; protected long createdOn; protected long lastUpdated; protected String content = null; /** @param id The ID of this document; this can either be a positive number if this document exists in the database; it can also be null or negative to indicate that no database-assigned id exists yet. @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if fileName, createdOn, or lastUpdated are null or if fileName is invalid. */ public Document(Integer id, String fileName, long createdOn, long lastUpdated, String content) throws MoxieException{ if(validFileName(fileName) == false){ throw new MoxieException("Invalid file name"); } = id; this.fileName = fileName; this.createdOn = createdOn; this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; this.content = content; } public void setId(Integer Id){ = id; } public Integer getId(){ return; } public void setOrigId(Integer origId){ this.origId = origId; } public Integer getOrigId(){ return this.origId; } public void setFileName(String fileName){ this.fileName = fileName; } public String getFileName(){ return fileName; } public void setCreatedOn(long createdOn){ this.createdOn = createdOn; } public long getCreatedOn(){ return this.createdOn; } public void setLastUpdated(long lastUpdated){ this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; } public long getLastUpdated(){ return this.lastUpdated; } public void setContent(String content){ this.content = content; } public String getContent(){ return content; } public String toString(){ StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer(); results.append("{"); results.append("id: " + + ", "); if(this.origId != null){ results.append("origID: " + this.origId + ", "); } results.append("fileName: '" + this.fileName + "', "); results.append("createdOn: " + this.createdOn + ", "); results.append("lastUpdated: " + this.lastUpdated + ", "); results.append("content: '" + this.content + "'"); results.append("}"); return results.toString(); } public static boolean validFileName(String fileName){ if(fileName == null || fileName.trim().equals("")){ return false; } return Pattern.matches("^[0-9A-Za-z_]*$", fileName); } }