Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Open Web Developer Network IRC Meeting for September 16th, 2009 Summary
We had another IRC meeting for the Open Web Developer Network ( today. Here's a short summary for those that missed it:
This was a work meeting, with people working on while in IRC. Initial focus for 0.1 will be Doctype (reference section); View Source (demos + cookbook section); and State of the Open Web (initially an aggregator section). Chris Messina is working on mockups of the home page, Doctype, and View Source. One tension in terms of design is that Mediawiki is ugly and difficult to skin; once we have a design Brad has volunteered to do the actual coding. The Mediawiki Foundation was going to host our wiki, but there is concern on their part in terms of the customization we want to do and hosting third-party code within their cluster. Brad will continue to investigate commercial Mediawiki options and might set up an instance on his web host and point to it for now. Brad will also begin to create sample content for View Source to understand what is needed there. Next meetup will be a few weeks after the SVG Open conference which is in two weeks and which will keep Brad occupied for the next two weeks. Scheduling for the next meeting will happen after SVG Open (beginning of October).
Full IRC log at
Current proposal:
This was a work meeting, with people working on while in IRC. Initial focus for 0.1 will be Doctype (reference section); View Source (demos + cookbook section); and State of the Open Web (initially an aggregator section). Chris Messina is working on mockups of the home page, Doctype, and View Source. One tension in terms of design is that Mediawiki is ugly and difficult to skin; once we have a design Brad has volunteered to do the actual coding. The Mediawiki Foundation was going to host our wiki, but there is concern on their part in terms of the customization we want to do and hosting third-party code within their cluster. Brad will continue to investigate commercial Mediawiki options and might set up an instance on his web host and point to it for now. Brad will also begin to create sample content for View Source to understand what is needed there. Next meetup will be a few weeks after the SVG Open conference which is in two weeks and which will keep Brad occupied for the next two weeks. Scheduling for the next meeting will happen after SVG Open (beginning of October).
Full IRC log at
Current proposal:
New SVG Web Release: Umber Hulk
Hear ye! Hear ye! The SVG Web team has pushed out another release, code named Umber Hulk:

Umber Hulk: "A human-shaped creature with gaping maws flanked by pairs of exceedingly sharp mandibles. Despite their bestial appearance, umber hulks possess a significant intelligence and language of their own."
Notable highlights of this release:
Learn more:
About SVG Web and SVG:
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target close to 100% of the existing installed web base. SVG itself stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, an open standard that is part of the HTML 5 family of technologies for interactive, search-engine friendly web vector graphics.

Umber Hulk: "A human-shaped creature with gaping maws flanked by pairs of exceedingly sharp mandibles. Despite their bestial appearance, umber hulks possess a significant intelligence and language of their own."
Notable highlights of this release:
- Having Chinese characters in SVG filenames now works
- getCTM, currentScale, and currentTranslate are now supported, making dragging easier
- Inline on* style events (onclick, etc.) handlers directly in markup is now supported for SVG OBJECTs
- Several fixes for IE 8
- Several fixes when the DOCTYPE is specified
- Lots of fixes around resizing an SVG image based on resizing the browser and it's container
- Fixes to help Shelley Power's Burning Bird site
- Fixes to help the Wikipedia SVG Zoom and Pan too
- Fixes to help Michael Neutzes' German Atlas work
- Fixes to help other developers in the community
- Rick Masters
- Jeff Schiller
- Michael Neutze
- Shelley Powers
- Ciaranj
- Felix Buenemann
- Le Roux Bernard
- Glen Bremner Stokes
- Bradbury.e
- Richbk
- Fangqq
- Issue 299 : Tip of subversion (r855) throws error for demo.html on IE 7
- Issue 292 : For Wikipedia: Fix SVG OBJECT creation bugs discovered
- Issue 285 : For Wikipedia: Be able to host bulk of SVG Web on a different domain
- Issue 271 : When using uncompressed-svg.js the data-path attribute on the script element is ignored
- Issue 140 : SVG OBJECT.contentDocument does not work when DOCTYPE specified inside of HTML file itself
- Issue 272 : Fetching contentDocument on SVG OBJECT does not work in IE 8/Standards Mode [INVALID]
- Issue 249 : flash renderer svgobj.contentDocument breaks if svg contains DOCTYPE declaration
- Issue 148 : QA in IE 8 with standards mode on
- Issue 186 : test_js2.html has issues on some IE 8 instances with compatibility mode on
- Issue 135 : Help functionality on blocks_game.html issue
- Issue 236 : wrong URL encoding for UTF-8 Chinese characters
- Issue 250 : svgweb init fails in internet explorer 8 when using object embedding
- Issue 260 : The full-color-prof-01-f.html in the test suite 1.1 is broken
- Issue 262 : Remove onWindowResize handlers when page unloaded and when object removed from page
- Issue 263 : Click on root svg element does not work in IE8
- Issue 276 : Fix resize issues with Shelley's Burning Bird site
- Issue 277 : Disappearing text
- Issue 279 : Define evt variable in onload="" handler script code
- Issue 283 : getScreenCTM needs to include object position and ignore browser zoom
- Issue 286 : 100% w/h SVG Root in 100% w/h Object in a DIV given in px – Flash size wrong
- Issue 290 : Referencing an "svg" object with "use" causes flash error
- Issue 294 : Support getCTM, currentScale, currentTranslate for drag and drop
- Issue 53: Support on* style event handlers directly in markup [for OBJECT tag only]
Learn more:
- Full release note details
- Latest Download
- SVG Web Home Page
- 1 Minute Introduction to SVG Web
- Quick Start Guide
About SVG Web and SVG:
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target close to 100% of the existing installed web base. SVG itself stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, an open standard that is part of the HTML 5 family of technologies for interactive, search-engine friendly web vector graphics.
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